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How to choose your mirror?

The use of bicycles as a means of transportation or as a sport is constantly increasing, bringing with it a co-existence between road users that is not without risk. To ride safely, and if you don't have eyes in the back of your head, it is important to equip your bike with mirrors adapted to your practice and with a fixation adapted to your handlebars

Why install a mirror?

One of the main reasons for using a rearview mirror is safety, especially when traveling in the city. It is important to have a clear view when turning or changing lanes. A simple glance in your mirror and it can help you avoid hazards, such as pedestrians, other cyclists or cars.

Which mirror to choose according to the mounting?

The use of the mirror must be optimal and its choice begins with the possible mounting on your bike. To do this, you must first determine the possible locations for the mirror on your bike.  

  • Mounting on the handlebars: After checking the diameter of your handlebars, it is possible to install a mirror such as the Espion Z56. This mirror has a 23 cm long arm and offers excellent visibility.
  • Fixation on the helmet of the cyclist : it allows not to encumber the handlebar, the bicycle mirror on helmet is light and easily adjustable thanks to its adjustable stem.

Espion Z56

Dooback II 

    • Fixation in the ends of the handlebars :  This fixation allows you to have the handlebars free of access. The mirror can then be put as well on the left of your bike as on the right.
    • Other fixations : Some mirror as the Spy can be fixed almost anywhere on your bike, because they have a double 360° orientation.

Which mirror to choose according to your practice?

In order to choose your mirror, here are some examples.

Julie is 36 years old and rides her bike to work downtown every day. She needs a mirror that gives her visibility so that she feels safer. She chose a large diameter mirror with a handlebar mount like the Espion Z56 or one that is mounted on the inside of the handlebar like the Dooback II, the Cyclop or the latest Zéfal product: the ZL Tower 56, which with its lattice beam limits vibrations. 

If Julie's priorities are high visibility and safety, the ZL Tower 80 is the best solution with its 80cm2 surface.

These four recommended mirrors have a large diameter mirror, which allows a good visibility and thus a better safety during your trips in town.  

Julien, 35 years old, practices mountain biking, he would like a bicycle mirror to be reassured when he leaves the trails for a section on the road. He also wants to have an indication on the position of his partner and his children during his family rides. A mirror like the Spy is perfectly adapted to the constraints of this practice. Its rubber strap allows to fix it in the central axis of the bike and to have a perfect vision on the back. This discreet positioning avoids breakage, maladjustments and protects it from projections.

The fixation at the ends of the handlebars is to be proscribed for the practice of the VTT.

ZL Tower 56

Spin 15

Patrick is 52 years old, he is starting to ride a road bike and is looking to equip his bike with the right accessories. For this, a small diameter mirror is recommended so as not to be bothered during the practice. Zéfal recommends the Spin 15 and its new big brother the Spin 25. These mirrors will allow him to know at a glance if his training companions are still in his wheel.

You now have all the information you need to choose your mirror!

How to choose your bike mirror?